Category Archives: Social Media

Dealing with complaints via social media

Given the predominance of social media these days, many business owners will at some stage find they have to respond to an unhappy customer ‘going public’. When this happens it’s usually a last resort after they have been ignored on other channels (such as an unanswered email or a phone call not returned). There are usually two kinds: those who have a genuine complaint that can be addressed and resolved (because yes, small business owners are human and we all make mistakes sometimes) and then there are those who just come across as bullies who won’t ever be happy and don’t want to engage in any reasonable conversation. Complaints, whilst they can seem quite personal, are an opportunity for improvement. I believe ALL customer feedback is valid. If you have good processes in place so that your customers feel they can come to you directly to resolve any issues, it’s likely you won’t be in the situation of dealing with negative public feedback too often and your social accounts will instead be full of praise. If that’s not the case then it’s time for you to look at those processes for feedback which is critical to good business.

Jay Baer has some great advice that applies to all customer service situations not just complaints handling in the video linked below.

Worldwide, LinkedIn is signing up a new member every 2 seconds.

At the time of writing LinkedIn has more than two million members in Australia. Worldwide, LinkedIn is signing up a new member every 2 seconds.
As a professional online networking tool Linked in can help you to manage your identity online, develop business relationships, join groups and share insights or ask questions to solve business problems. Importantly, LinkedIn helps you to own your identity online and take control of the brand that is ‘you’. Make LinkedIn really work for you:
Ensure your profile is 100% complete
Build your network (50 connections is a good start)
Read the update stream
Update your status (become a thought leader and help others learn)
Use Inmail to “soft contact” people in your extended network
Use the mobile app
Give recommendations
Join groups and contribute
Create a company profile

At the time of writing LinkedIn has more than two million members in Australia. Worldwide, LinkedIn is signing up a new member every 2 seconds. That is HUGE!

As a professional online networking tool LinkedIn can help you to manage your identity online, develop business relationships, join groups and share insights or ask questions to solve business problems. Importantly, LinkedIn helps you to own your identity online and take control of the brand that is ‘you’.

Make LinkedIn really work for you:

  • Ensure your profile is 100% complete
  • Build your network (50 connections is a good start)
  • Read the update stream
  • Update your status (become a thought leader and help others learn)
  • Use Inmail to “soft contact” people in your extended network
  • Use the mobile app
  • Give recommendations
  • Join groups and contribute
  • Create a company profile

Do you feel like you need to join LinkedIn yet?