Characteristics of well built website for SEO

So what exactly is a well built website and how do you know if yours fits the bill? My clients will have often heard me talking about a ‘well built website’ as a critical step in gaining visibility online.  A quick review of your website will show whether your digital asset has what it takes.  As a website owner you will have control over the following which are the first places we look when taking on the redevelopment or management of a new website.

First of all, take a look at your link structure.  Your top level navigation and the way the pages on your website are linked together is important.  This is called your site architecture.  Links deliver signals of importance so the structure of this is useful when you are trying to tell Google what’s important.

Content that matches the search phrases you are targeting needs to be on the page.  Whilst we are slowly moving towards voice search,  text is still the key input for search engines.  We want to see content that is structured with appropriately coded headings, paragraphs and link text.

Page titles and descriptions immediately tell us if the site owner is using best practice for SEO.  These off-the-page items on your website deliver key information to Google and need to be crafted in a way that satisfies the needs of the person viewing search results.

These three aspects if handled correctly will make a difference.  If you decide to engage with an SEO company whether it be for advertising, website optimisation or social campaigns, having a well built website lowers costs and ensures you get the attention you deserve.

Reflection is the game changer

I’m addicted to business books, podcasts and vlogs.  I’m constantly reading, watching, listening to others.  I’m starting to ask myself why I am constantly doing this because sometimes it’s a distraction from the things I SHOULD be doing.  Well, it’s OK.  I find it entertaining, so there’s that aspect.  Business.  It’s a topic I love and there is something to be said for just exposing yourself to new ideas.  But, if you don’t actually do anything with the information it’s just entertainment, am I right?

Last week I listened to some Gary Vaynerchuck (via Instagram) and he was talking about this very topic.  If you haven’t heard of Gary V check out his content.  I think of him as the “fight club” for business motivation.  He says every day he’s just repeating the same message in a million different ways.  But he believes that’s what people need.  Today might be the right time, the right place, the right frame of mind that means his message actually sinks in and causes somebody to take action.

And that action is what makes the difference. We know it.

So, yes.  Read widely, research, expose yourself to new ideas and look for those gems of experience in what others share.  But, at the end of the day remember that if you don’t reflect on their wisdom then measure it for value against your own situation and take action –  it’s might just be procrastination.

I’m starting my week with action by incorporating reflection into my business process.

Check out Gary Vaynerchuck too.